First aid is the provision of initial care for an illness or injury, usually performed by a non-expert person to a sick or injured person until definitive medical treatment can be accessed by a professional
This chatbot his name mosif, He is helps a person to know medical treatment and explains to him the methods of treatment for the injury.
- Help the patient quickly from chatbot “mosif”
- The Quick answer when someone an injury occurs
The our data it is intents Data and consists of 3 types : 1- Tags 2- Responses 3- Patterns
The first is Tags: words to describe the condition of the injured person
The second is Response: Answer for a sick person or injured from chatbot
The third is patterns: Questions from the chatbot mosif.
- chatbot
- numby
- pands
- Keras
- instant
- Html&css
- Bootstrap
- Figma